For 21 years your reliable journalist-organisation.
Medical-Journalist is dedicated to representing and protecting the journalistic interests and values of its members, whereby it also lobbies on their behalf.
Our mission is to support those who principally work full time in the field of journalism, whereby we also recognise those who mainly work as Internet journalists. The field of medical journalism is taking on increasing importance, which is why it now provides a focus of the Medical-Journalists work. It is also particularly important that people who principally work as internet-journalists are also supported, since Medical-Journalist places a greater emphasis on internet-journalism than printed journalism.
Medical-Journalist also acts as a link between its members and other associations and organisations with which Medical-Journalist has continual contact.
Medical-Journalist issues its own national press cards. The Medical-Journalist press cards can be very useful in many situations and also serve as a membership card. They also enable you to gain various discounts.
Medical-Journalist is independent, which specifically means that it is:
You can download our application form as a PDF file: Application-Form
or use our online application form! Online-Application
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(Mo-Do 9-16 Uhr / Fr 9-13 Uhr)