For 21 years your reliable journalist-organisation.


The publisher of press cards for journalists

The Deutscher Foto-Journalisten-Verband e.V. (DFJ e.V.) represents the interests and values of its members, most of whom are dedicated full-time to modern journalism and media. Among other things, we issue nationwide press cards. On the other hand, the international press card allows you to identify yourself as a DFJ journalist abroad.

Become a member of the DFJ e.V. now to receive your new press card. With this card you will enjoy numerous benefits, the most important of which is discounted access to events.

Press card national

The German press card: requirements and advantages

The annual membership fee of 69,00 euros is due at the end of each year for the coming year. You will receive the press card and a DFJ press badge identifying you as a member. You can cancel your membership at any time.

If you show your membership card, events and trade fairs will offer you reduced or free admission. Organisers often mark parking spaces reserved for journalists. With our DFJ press badge for your car, you can usually park for free at events in press parking spaces. As a DFJ member you benefit from many press conditions.

To apply for the press card, you must pay the annual membership fee for the German Photojournalists' Association. This amounts to 69,00 euros plus a one-off admission fee of 20,00 euros, which is only payable on joining the association. (This fee is waived completely if you work as a photographer for AnyPix). As of June, you also have the option of paying the annual fee semi-annually: In this case, 34,50 euros would be due. You can apply for your membership card online right here.

The conditions of membership application

Regardless of the date you join, your membership in the DFJ e.V. is always valid until the end of the current calendar year. You have until 31 October to cancel your membership in writing at the end of the year, otherwise your membership will be automatically renewed. The validity of the press card is also extended until the end of the coming year. Since in principle, of course, only practising journalists are entitled to membership in our association, you may be asked to provide samples of your work before the membership application can be processed. The following data is stored on the membership card:

  • a photo of the card owner
  • surname and first name
  • Date of birth
  • Company or freelance journalist
  • badge number.

The press card gives you the opportunity to identify yourself as a member of the DFJ e.V. to event organisers, interview partners, witnesses, press officers and other persons.

The DFJ press badge for your vehicle

In addition to the press card, you will also receive a press sign for your car, which can be placed behind the windscreen. This clearly identifies your car as the tool of a journalist on research, which can sometimes make the difference between parking with or without a penalty. In addition, many organisers keep special parking spaces for the press so that the time-consuming search for a parking space for the vehicle is completely eliminated. The parking attendant knows from the press sign that the vehicle owner is entitled to this parking space.

Our exclusion criteria

We would like to point out that the press card may only be used in the exercise of journalistic activity. Misuse will result in immediate exclusion from the DFJ e.V. and withdrawal of the press card.

Do you still have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us directly: We will be happy to explain to you all the advantages and conditions surrounding membership of the DFJ. By the way, you can also apply for an international press card.

Membership in the DFJ e.V. offers numerous advantages:

  • ✔ low-cost annual membership fee
  • ✔ nationwide valid press card
  • ✔ additional press badge for the car
  • ✔ uncomplicated online application
  • ✔ Press discounts and special conditions